Back & Knee Pain/腰膝痛
October 24, 2021
My name is Qing Liu. Due to my work nature, I work in front of the computer every day, along with taking care of my family. My back hurt a lot. Once I sat down, it was so hard for me to get up without any support. My both knees were bad too. I couldn't go upstairs and downstairs without holding the rails. I used the heating pads a lot without any improvement to my back and my knees. After I saw Dr. Liu, with her massage and acupuncture, my back doesn't hurt any more and I can get up easily. My knees are so much more flexible and can go upstairs and downstairs without any support. The most worth mentioning thing is that after seeing Dr. Liu, I walked 9 miles in a day without any problems when my husband and I visited Grand Canyon National Park!
Dr. Liu is always so patient to ask me my symptoms and always spends a lot of time thinking what the best way is to treat me. After every visit, she always follows up with me to see how I feel, how my back and my knees are, if my sleeping time gets improved and how my appetite is, etc. Dr. Liu also gives me good advice on how to keep moving while working in front of the computer all day long, what websites have good exercise classes I can take, and how to have nutritious and balanced food. With all her help and effort, I feel more energetic and have no pain on my back and my knees. I'm very grateful for what she has done to me!
我叫刘清. 因为工作的性质,每天都坐在计算机前办公,再加上长年操持家务,我的腰痛得厉害,坐下去就要费很大的劲,手要抓着桌子或椅子才能起来. 两个膝盖也是痛和僵硬,上下楼都要抓着扶手. 平时我用热敷也没见好转. 后来找刘医师推拿和针疚,我的腰明显感到不痛了,起身也不费劲了. 膝盖也灵活自如了,上下楼也不用扶手了,而且全身感觉轻松多了. 最值得一提的是经过刘医师诊治后,我和先生去大峡谷国家公园旅游,我一天内走了九英里也没有问题!
还有,刘医师对病人特别有耐心,总是不厌其烦的问我的症状,花很多时间想对策,想用什么最好的方法治我的病. 看完病和治疗后,还每天发微信询问我的感觉怎样,腰和膝盖怎样了,睡眠和饮食等等,再加上嘱叮我怎样用食补和注意在工作时多起身动动. 现在我的身体明显感觉好多了,睡眠也改善很多. 衷心感谢刘医师为我做的一切!